
(Act 1 Scene 5 Page 47 Line 64-65)
"Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone;
'A bears him a portly gentleman:"

- Capulet says this to Tybalt at the feast when he sees how angry
Tybalt is to see Romeo, a Montague, there.
- Tybalt thinks Romeo should not be present at a feast of a Capulet
and must leave. He even calls Romeo a "villain". As a reply to
Tybalt's words full of hatred, Capulet tells him to control himself,
to calm down. Capulet wants Tybalt to leave Romeo alone, since there
is no problem, no trouble which Romeo is causing. The idea of
a "Montague" being present at his feast does not seem to frustrate
Capulet like it does Tybalt. According to Capulet as long as Romeo
manages to behave like a gentleman there is no problem with him
enjoying the feast. Here we see how full of hatred Tybalt is. He once
more proves that he "hates the word 'peace'", just like he'd said in
scene one, by being so hostile towards Romeo. He is so aggressive
that he always seems to be looking for an oppurtunity to fight.
Capulet is much more moderate(if that's the right word. the turkish
word I thought of was "ýlýmlý":). This quotation helps us
have more
idea about the personalities of Tybalt and Capulet.




- My only love sprung from my only hate!                                                               Too early seen unknown and known too late!

As you may have understood this lines are said by the person who played Juliet to herself.(Originally it would have been to himself, as women acting were not popular at that time)

The impartance of this quote is...

It ia one of the last quotes of act one. As Shakespeare wasn't half as popular at that time as he is now, he needed to give people a reason to stay for act two, by putting important quotes at the end.

It summarises the whole point of the play. Love vs. hate with a bit poetry added.

It is oxymoronic, which is important as we are searching for oxymorons. Also, this shows Juliet is confused, but we can't blame her as she just learned the news that will inspire a lot of  soap opera writers as time passes.

It has a possiblity of being in an exam.

It contains two lines that rhyme, forming a rhyming couplet. As we read in the index part, this is the sign of something important.

Juliet calls Romeo her only love, which is normal of her as she had spent a long half an hour talking with him.

She also says my only hate, personalising the hate of the family. Attention to the warm sense of family and belonging.

The second line of it is very deep and poetic, which is to give the people something to think about while waiting for act two.

Still not convinced? Contact me... I'ld be happy to make up some more reasons to show the importance of this quote.


I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall,

Now seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall."


Tybalt says it when he is talking to himself. even Romeo comes to the Capulet's feast by secret with a mask, Tybalt recognizes him from his voice. therefore, he tells it to Capulet. Capulet doesn't give permission to Tybalt to harm or disturb his guest and goes. after Capulet's go, Tybalt begins to talk to himself and says this with an irritated mood. by this quote, Tybalt means this meeting with Romeo may seem like a welcome, but this will help a big hatred in the future between himself and Romeo but nothing. this quote is important because we knew Tybalt's hatred for all Montagues, but we see here Tybalt's hatred especially for Romeo as first. moreover, 'tis a foreshadowing for us. because it gives us the hint of the big enmity and hatred that will develope between Romeo and Tybalt soon. Tybalt ephasizes it by his own mouth.  


my quote is at act 1, scene 5, p.49, line 90




Act 1 Scene 5 lines 44-45


It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night

As a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear;

Romeo is talking to himself. He is in the house of the Capulets , his enemy.He is here to see Rosaline actually but then he sees Juliet He  asks one of the Capulet’s servants  about Juliet. The servant says he doesn’t know. He starts to talk to himself about the beauty he has just seen.  He tells that her cheeks are as beautiful as the night. Also he says that she is as pretty as a jewel in an Ethiop’s ear.( an Ethiop’s : belonging to an inhabitant of Ethiopia , which is symbolized as a country rich of jewels. )

 It’s important because;

It’s  the first time romeo sees juliet and viola!~ love at first sight. –and our love story begins-It’s the first time we hear Romeo commenting about Juliet’s beauty.   It’s the first time we understand that Romeo’s love for rosaline wasn’t that strong – or  he’s so capkin.-It contains a simile ! As a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear; We already knew that romeo used a lot of oxymorons and we see that he  can also use very impressive similes to describe his love



"O where is Romeo? Saw you him today?
Rigth glad I am he was not at this fray"

(Act 1, scene 1, page 11, line 119)

- After Benvolio tells Montague how the fight started, Lady Montague
askes him whether he has seen her son, Romeo.  So Benvolio starts to
describe her the way Romeo looked troubled and depressed when he saw
him earlier in the morning.
-The first line of this quotation shows how Lady Montague is
concerned about her son who have been avoiding people lately.  (We
can also understand her concern for her son from the tone of her
-The second line of this quotation shows that Lady Montague is not
happy about being enemies with the Capulets.  She probably has
negative thoughts about this fight that has been continuing for a
long time since she doesn't want her son, Romeo, to be involved in it.
-Also this quotaion is the first time where someone ever mentions
-Another significant thing about this quote is that it is a rhyming
couplet. =)



act1, scene2 , p21, line10

' my child is yet a stranger in the world;

she hath not seen the change of fourteen years'


- Capulet (Juliet's father) said this quote to Paris. At first Capulet was talking about the fight with the Montagues and the peace. however Paris was not very interested about this topic, so he asked about his request (to marry Juliet) , but Capulet thought that Juliet was too young to marry and said to Paris to wait 2 years as he said before.

- this is the first time which is told about Juliet and his father's opinion about her marrige.Capulet tells Paris to get her heart, because Juliet's agreement is very important for Capulet.

- we learn that Juliet is 14 years old, but in this period her age is suitable to marry ( and she has suitors)

- count paris is very insistent about marrying Juliet.




pg.23 Lines 35-38

" .... find those persons out

Whose names are written there, and to them say

My house and welcome on their pleasure stay"


Capulet says this quotation to the clown

This quotation is importanat because;

       1) the party, which Capulet will give in his house , will be Romeo and Juliet's first encounter and also first start at their love.

       2) in Capulet's opinion, the party will be helpful for Paris to increase his relationship with Juliet.

       3) the party will also be helpful for Romeo to forget his "big" love for Rosaline and start an "endless" love with Juliet. 



"He that is strucken blind cannot forget
The precious treasure of his eyesight lost."

(Act one, Scene one, Page 19, Lines 225,226)

-Romeo tells this to his cousin Benvolio.
-In their conversation,Benvolio tries to make Romeo forget the girl he
(Romeo) is in love with, Rosaline.  Benvolio tells him to see other
beauties, not only Rosaline.
-After Benvolio's offer, Romeo tells him "Just like a blind man who
only can remember beauties(can't see, as u might have guessed),
whenever I see a beautiful woman, it makes me think of Rosaline.  In
other words Rosaline made him blind and because the last beauty he
saw was Rosaline, he can't think of anyone else.

**My quotation is the first part of this explanation.(Just like a
blind man who only can remember beauties)




Act1 Scene 3 page 31 line 58-59

 tell me, daughter Juliet,
How stands your disposition to be married?

Lady Capulet says this to Juliet (What a surprise!!!)
She says it before the feast starts.
The answer would change the whole story because if she said she
wouldn't like to be married, then it would end up with a broken
hearted Romeo. But that can't happen beacuse Juliet doesn't seem to
answer the question directly instead talk about other things related
to marriage.That wraps up this weeks quote, hopefully we will have another 2-3
days of holiday.Hope to see you all someday this week...



"What dares the slave
Come hither, covered with an antic face,
To fleer and scorn at our solemnity?"
(page 46 - scene 5 line 54)

These words are said by Tybalt to Capulet in the Capulet's traditional
feast. This quote is aimed at the stranger (Romeo) who is in the
party. Tybalt realizes that this person is a Montague and tells it to
Capulet. Tybalt thinks that Romeo is insulting them by teasing their
traditional feast and looking down on Capulet's pride. The words
coming after this also shows how much Tybalt is angry as he says that
he wants to kill Romeo. On the other hand, Tybalt is also looking down
on the Montague family, as he mentions a Capulet as a slave.



Act One, Scene I, p.13, Line 147-148
"Could we but learn from whence his sorrows grow,
We would as willingly give cure as know."

These words are spoken by Lord Montague as he is discussing with Benvolio
the reason that causes Romeo's deep sorrow.He says that Lady Montague and he are extremely eager to find out the source
of his sadness and help him overcome this predicament.

This quote is significant in two ways:
1) We learn that there is something that has been bothering Romeo lately and
nobody can figure out exactly what depresses him this much.
2) We also witness that Lord and Lady Montague are worried about their son
and wish to help him in any way they can.Last of all, it is a rhyming couplet.



Did my heart love til now? Forswear it, sight,

For I Ne’er saw true beauty till tihs night.

( pg.46 line 51-52 Act I-Scene-V)

 It was said by Romeo when he saw Juliet. In the great hall of the Capulets, the servants work feverishly to make sure everything runs smoothly and Capulet makes his rounds through all guests, joking with them and encouarging all to dance. Form across the room, Romeo sees Juliet and ask a servingman who she is. At that moment, Romeo is transfixed; forgets all things about Roseline whom he loved a lot and says this quote. It is important because it is the first time he saw Juliet. Therefore, here is the beginning all the events which will be lived by Romeo and Juliet. It also shows that Romeo is very sensetive and he can be affected by somobody and so change his mind easily because even though he gets lots of conversation with Benvolio about Roseline and says him he loves Roseline , he changes his mind and loves Juliet when he saw her. Lastly, this qoute shows that Juliet is very beutiful because Romeo was affected by Juliet in first time he saw her.


"His name is Romeo and a Montague,
The only son of your great enemy"
Act 1, Scene 5, page 54

In here, Juliet's nurse is directly speaking to Juliet about her
passionate love to Romeo. Her nurse is sarcasticly emphasizing that
she must not have a relation with Romeo, and if she does, it must be
a secret. Moreover, if they get married, it will be and of her family
by joining their great enemy.


ACT ONE, SCENE III, pg. 27, ln. 88-89
"Compare her face with some that I shall show,
And I will make thee think thy swan a crow*."

*(book's note)think thy swan a crow - "think that Rosaline whom you
consider beautiful(thy swan) is ugly (a crow)". The white swan was a
common symbol for beauty, the black crow for ugliness. Note how often
blackness and whiteness, darkness and light are contrasted in this
way throughout the play. This is a quote by Benvolio, to make Romeo stop holding on Rosaline and discover other beauties. This rhyming couple may be considered as
a foreshadowing of the following events which will lead to one of the
greatest loves in literature. Even though, we do not know about
Rosaline yet, from what Benvolio says, we figure out that she isn't
of a matchless beauty but rather an ordinary woman among all the
beautiful women there would be in the party



Act I, Scene IV Mercutio
"True, I talk of dreams,
Which are the children of an idle brain,.."
(Begot of nothing but vain fantasy..)

Mercutio is talking about love with Romeo, but he is a very
imaginitive person and exaggerates his description by telling a story
about a fairy queen (Queen Mab)when Romeo stops him and tells him
that he is talking nonsense. Mercutio agrees with Romeo that he is
talking about things which do not exist, and tries to convince Romeo
that his love is as sensible as the fairy tale he recited earlier.
We understand that Mercutio is a humorous person in this quote, and
he wants to cheer Romeo up so he makes up stories but unfortunately
he doesn't succeed.




Act 3 Scene 5 page 137 line 2-3
"It was the nightingale, and not the lark,
That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear."

-Juliet says this to Romeo. They are at Juliet's house, at the window
of Juliet's bedroom. The meeting of Romeo and Juliet after Romeo's
banishment punishment :) has been finally arranged.
-Here the definitions of "nightingale" and "lark" are important.
Nightingale, as you can guess from the word "night", is any various 
bird which sings at night. Lark is a North American yellow-breasted
songbird(this is what I got from the dictionary. I guess larks sing
in the morning:).
-It is just before dawn and Romeo decides to leave. Juliet asks him
why he is leaving so early and quotes these words. Here we can
understand that Romeo has mixed the sound of a lark with a
nightingale's and is worried that it's already morning. This shows
how anxious and uneasy Romeo is. Juliet tries to persuade him that
it's still night.
-In this quote the significance of time is seen. The debate on birds
show the confusion of time. Time is an important element in the story
of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo must leave as soon as it is
daylight since then there won't be "night's cloak" to hide him from
the Capulets. Time is one of the elements which determine the fate of
our star-crossed lovers :))



act3, scene5, p142, line71

‘ Therefore have done: some grief shows much of love,

  But much of grief shows still some want of wit.’

Lady Capulet says this quote to Juliet, after Romeo leaves there. Lord Capulet sends Lady Capulet to tell Juliet that she will marry Count Paris on Thursday. Before Lady Capulet gives this news to Juliet, she tries to stop her weeping and to prevent her sufferings. Also her other aim is providing Juliet to think that she won't be unrespectful to the death of her cousin by marrying Paris. Since Lady Capulet thinks that Juliet is crying for Tybalt, she tells her daughter that her weeping makes none sense and she can’t bring Tybalt back from his grave by crying. Therefore Lady Capulet wants her to stop crying as she (Lady Capulet) does. She claims that moderate grief shows great love, but great grief shows a lack of wisdom.* According to Lady Capulet, Juliet is not showing her wisdom and her love for Tybalt by having great grief. However, there is a dramatic irony; Lady Capulet doesn’t know that Juliet is not suffering for Tybalt, she is suffering for her love, Romeo who slaughtered her cousin. Therefore, Lady Capulet’s words are of no use and she can’t destroy Juliet’s sorrow.

* : It was the book’s note.  



 "This day's black fate on more days doth depend;
This but begins the woe others must end."

Act 3,Scene 1,Page 110,Lines 115-116

-Romeo tells this quote when he learns that Mercutio was killed while
Romeo was trying to stop the fight of Mercutio and Tybalt.  Because
Tybalt wounded him behind Romeo, he believes that he killed him
intentionally(actually he does so in the book).  Romeo is very angry
and he tells this quote.
-In general this quote shows the anger and the wish of revenge of
-First line means that this bad event will bring more bad days and
events, such as Romeo killing Tybalt, Romeo being banished and more
tragic events which we haven't read yet.(He actually means killing
Tybalt, but the others are the concequences which he doesn't know
yet)  This is a foreshadowing.
-Second line means that the pain of Mercutio should be payed by the
lives of others (meaning Tybalt).  This is also a foreshadowing. 
With a more optimistic point of view, this can also mean that there
should be no pain anymore.


"There is no end, no limit, measure, bound,
In that word's death; no words can that woe sound."

(Act 3, scene 2, page 121, lines 125-126"

-Juliet says these lines after she learns the true side of the story
from the Nurse and regrets blaming Romeo.  Since the Nurse mistells
the whole story, making it sound as if both Romeo and Tybalt are
dead, Juliet's feelings get mixed up and when she finally learns that
Romeo has killed Tybalt she can't help herself but blame Romeo
because of her contradicting emotions.  However, in the end she feels
regretful for all the bad things she said about her husband and gives
a long speech telling how she feels about Romeo's banishment.
-In these lines we see strength of Juliet emotions.  For her, Romeo's
banishment is an endless death that cannot be expressed with words. 
Similarly, in the previous lines she says that Romeo's banishment
means her family's and her own death, in other words the end of ther
world for her.  This shows the intensity of Juliet's feeling for
Romeo and her grief for her husband's banishment.



"Bear hence this body, and attend our will.

Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill."

the Prince tells it to all people who are at the place where Romeo killed Tybalt. After Romeo kills Tybalt, the Prince comes to near of Tybalt's dead body and learns who killed Tybalt is Romeo. after listening what happened, the Prince has to give a punishment for Romeo, the murderer. actually, the punishment for murdering is being killed, but the Prince gives the punishment of banishing to Romeo because before he killed Tybalt, Tybalt killed mercutio, Romeo's friend. by these quotes, what the Prince try to say is if he gives a mercy for a murderer, it'll cause new murders but nothing. because this will encourage everybody to kill since they know they'll be forgiven and not get a punishment. this quote is important because this quote proves that Romeo and juliet destined to be star-crossed lovers)because Romeo is banished). we see death theme here, even Romeo is banished and saved from death punishment, death was determined to take Romeo... also there is a (I think) dramatic irony because we'll see Prince's this saying is not true actually. because even he's punished, this'll not prevent him even there is no actually a mercy



Hang thee, young beggage! Disobedient wretch!

 Pg. 147 Act 3  Scene 5 line 159.It was said by Capulet to Juliet.

 Lady Capulet calls to her daughter. Juliet wonders why her mother would come to speak to her so early in the morning. Unaware that her daughter is married to Romeo, Lady Capulet enters the room and mistakes Juliet’s tears as continued grief for Tybalt. Lady Capulet tells Juliet. Then, Lady Capulet tells Juliet about Capulet’s plan for her to marry Paris on Thursday, explaining that he wishes to make her happy. Juliet is appalled. She rejects the match and says that she doesn’t want to marry Paris, she just want she wants to marry Romeo and then Capulet enters the chamber. When he learns of Juliet’s determination to confront him he becomes angry and threatens to disown.

 It first shows that Capulet doesn’t want his daughter marriage to Romeo. This behaviour also shows that he still hates Romeo and Romeo is still an enemy of Capulets, because Capulet was more moderate to the marriage that would be between Juliet and Paris, but now even Juliet wants to marry Romeo, he is against it. Also, it is an inequality

Moreover, when Paris tells he wants to marry Juliet to Capulet, Capulet says her daughter is free so he doesn’t want to force her but now even Juliet wants to marry Romeo, he disagrees strongly and he doesn’t let her daughter to think free



Act Three, Scene I, pg. 110, ln. 110-111

"Thy beauty hath made me effeminate,
And in my temper softened valour's steel."

In this quote, Romeo is accusing Juliet of making him delicate and
womanlike and thus letting Mercutio fight with Tybalt whereas he
shall be standing against the rat-catcher. He is using a pun in the
solemn sense to say that he lost his bravery and audacity because of
Juliet. Temper may both mean someone's state of mind, angriness and
also the hardness of any metal. He is saying that Juliet has softened
his bravery's steel and made him a womanlike coward. He accuses
himself of the death of Mercutio and thinks that he should have
fought with him.



Page 129
ACT 3 Scene III
Lines: 105-107

In what vile part of this anatomy
Doth my name lodge? Tell me, that I may sack
The hateful mansion.

Romeo says this whilst he is at Friar Lawrence's cell with the Friar
and Juliet's nurse. After he uses these words he tries to commit
suicide but the nurse stops him. Romeo is complaining of his name
again and he wants to kill himself because it is causing him too
much trouble. He thinks his name  isn't suitable for his body and
wants to get rid of it.Romeo also asks himself why his name is
causing himself this much trouble...



Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 3-4


"And, if we meet, we shall not scape a brawl;
For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring."


Benvolio tells this quotation to Mercutio while they were hanging out the streets of Verona, before Mercutio got his death wound.

This quotation is a foreshadowing of the fight with Tybalt. Maybe he's aware that Tybalt would be seeking for Romeo to fight because of his presence at the feast. Benvolio says that if they meet with Capulets, the fight between them would inevitably happen; there is no way to escape from that fight.

In addition to it, before these lines, Benvolio says that they should go away because Capulets are also roaming out of doors. We can see that Benvolio is a little afraid and nervous because of the possibility of the fight. He doesn't want to fight and he tries to convince Mercutio to escape before the fight catches them.



"O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!

 Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave"


Juliet says these lines after she learns that Romeo killed Tybalt

then he banished from that place. From the beginning of the scene 2, 

Juliet is always anxious and impatient. She thinks about Romeo until

the Nurse comes and tells the bad news to her. After she learns Romeo

killed her cousin, first she gets very angry and tells these lines to the Nurse.

In the first line "serpent" means big snake and Juliet thinks that Romeo's heart looks good from outside; however, there are some harmful things grow. In the second line she describes her love as a good cave and thinks what kind of bad things make this cave like a devil. It is significant, because it shows us Juliet's first anger to Romeo.



 "Affliction is enamoured of thy parts,
And thou art wedded to calamity."
p.123 Act 3, Scene III, Line 2-3

-> "Misery has fallen in love with your good qualities and you are wedded to

These words belong to Friar Lawrence. He is talking to Romeo, who is waiting
to learn his sentence for the killing of Tybalt.

Friar Lawrence's remark stresses how Romeo's fate turns his life into a
disaster. He is saying that pain and sorrow follow him with everything he
does and everywhere he goes. Unfortunately, he cannot get himself out of
misery as if he was wedded to calamity.




Act III Scene V line 22
"I think you are happy in this second match,
For it excels your first;.."

Juliet is devastated by the news that her parents bring, that she'll
marry Paris in three days. Thus she seeks comfort from her nurse, who
seems to be the only one that remains on her side. Nurse, however
betrays her by saying that it would be the best if she marries Paris.
She doesn't seem to understand the importance of Juliet's marriage
vow, and thinks it can be ignored since Romeo is "banishéd", and he
can be considered "dead", and thus the vow can be broken. Juliet
feels even more lonely after hearing her dear nurse's advice. The
nurse has apparently changed her thoughts about Romeo, since she
believes that Romeo cannot even be compared to Paris, and Paris is
more suitable for Juliet.



Act III Scene V line 22
"I think you are happy in this second match,
For it excels your first;.."

Juliet is devastated by the news that her parents bring, that she'll
marry Paris in three days. Thus she seeks comfort from her nurse, who
seems to be the only one that remains on her side. Nurse, however
betrays her by saying that it would be the best if she marries Paris.
She doesn't seem to understand the importance of Juliet's marriage
vow, and thinks it can be ignored since Romeo is "banishéd", and he
can be considered "dead", and thus the vow can be broken. Juliet
feels even more lonely after hearing her dear nurse's advice. The
nurse has apparently changed her thoughts about Romeo, since she
believes that Romeo cannot even be compared to Paris, and Paris is
more suitable for Juliet



 "Give me my Romeo; and when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars"
Act 3 scene 2 page 116 line 21

-This is one of the Juliet's monologues in act three.
-In this quote, Juliet wants "her" Romeo. She also says that if she
dies before Romeo,then she wants them to cut Romeo into pieces and
put it near the stars, he will stay there more bright tan others
which is showing the beauty of Romeo.



'I do protest I never injured thee,
But love thee better than thou can't devise'
(p.107 act 3 scene 1 - lines 65-66)

Thee words are said by Romeo to Tybalt, after he is being called to fight with him. Romeo doesn't want to fight (the reason is that he was just married with Tybalt's cousin and any fight between two families'
would make their marriage harder to last long), so as a reaction to Tybalt's previous words, Romeo says that he never injured(insulted) him.  Then he says that he actually loves him more than Tybalt can
imagine. Obviously, Romeo's this altitude doesn't change anything in story's evolution and even makes things worse: Tybalt thinks he is being insulted again that Romeo is teasing with his call to fight, and
also, Mercutio probably wouldn't fight with Tybalt if he didn't think that Romeo was behaving cowardly.

ACT 4-5


Act 5 Scene 3 Page 192 Lines 91-93
``                O my love, my wife!
   Death, that had sucked the honey of thy breath,
   Hath no power yet upon thy beauty.``

- Romeo says these words to Juliet who he thinks is lying dead in her
tomb. Juliet is still in the effect of the poison which would make
her sleep for 42 hours.
- Here Romeo tells that even death which came to take Juliet`s life
away, has not managed to destroy her beauty.
- There is dramatic irony since we know that Juliet is not dead, that
death hasn`t actually taken her away while Romeo is amazed with her
eternal beauty which even death isn`t able to diminish. The dramatic
irony will later cause Romeo to commit suicide by taking the poison;
so Romeo not being able to receive the letter and being informed
about Juliet`s plan will larger impacts



"O mischief, thou art swift
To enter in the thoughts of desperate men!"
Act 5, Scene 1, page 183, lines 35-36

-This is one of the sentences in Romeo's long soliloquy after
learning the death news of Juliet from Balthasar.
-When Romeo learned this news, he believed it, without even asking
how.  He was shocked.  After sending Balthasar away, he suddenly
thought of killing himself.  We understand this idea from our quote. 
First he said, I'll lie with thee tonight.  Readers can understand
that he will go and see her for the last time.  Then comes this quote
and it means " evil ideas and thoughts, you are fast to enter in the
thoughts of desperate men."  With this we start to understand his
idea and then comes, I do remember an apothecary.  With this we are
sure of his idea, that he will commit suicide with poison.  So our
quote is used as a translation sentence from normal thoughts to evil


 My child, my only life,                                                                                                            Revive, look up, or I will die with thee!"

Juliet's mother tells Juliet this, but unfortunately Juliet doesn't be able to hear as this quotation is from the 'Juliet's dead (!) body is found scene'.

The mother has a hope that Juliet is just pretending, and that she is not dead.

Not a foreshadowing... Juliet doesn't look up, and her mother doesn't die (At least not in the play). Actually she forgets about the death in about five-ten minutes.

There is no sign of guilt about not helping her out about her marriage with Paris.

We see Juliet's mother's love for her for the first time, she really cares about what happened for....ten minutes?

There is a dramatic irony, but it is not seen much in this quatation. Just that Juliet's mother thinks she might be alive, but she will see that Juliet won't look up, but actually Juliet is alive, but she looks dead, but this is to make her family think she is dead to run away with Romeo; Juliet's mother is kind of right about Juliet being alive, but she won't understand Juliet is alive until Juliet dies... 

We see Friar Lawrence's simple(!) plan working sucessfully.

This was the last quotation from R&J. See thee in the Crucible.


"If I may trust the flattering truth of sleep,
My dreams pressage some joyful news at hand;"

Act Five, Scene I, page 181, Lines 1-2

"pressage some joyful news at hand" -> book's note: are a sign of some good
news I'm about to hear.
These words belong to Romeo, and at this point he's talking to himself.
The setting is a street in Mantua, and Romeo is expecting news from his man,
Balthasar concerning his wife, Juliet.
Before Balthasar enters, he says that he has had dreams which show that he
is going to receive joyful news very soon. Consequently, he is in high
spirits and has no idea about supposedly dead Juliet. There is a dramatic
irony here since he is about to hear quiet depressing news in a minute from
Balthasar. Therefore, he is going to be even more disappointed to hear about
Juliet's "death" when he is in such a cheerful mood.



Act Five,Scene III, pg. 203, ln. 292 - 293

"See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love."*
*Book's Note: "See what a whip (scourge) lashes (is laid on) your
hatred, in that heaven finds a way(finds means) to kill your joys by
means of love." (i.e. the love between Romeo and Juliet.)

In this quotation from Prince Escalus, he is adressing to both
Capulet and Montague, after they see the unfortunate result of their
hate for each other. Prince, thinking that all these are because of
the act of hostility between the families, says thiis quote which
means that their hate even uses love to bring sorrow to them. Here
the contrast between love and hate is to show how evil and powerful
their hate is. Even love, which usually brings joy and delight to
people's hearts; causes wicked and unfortunate things to happen to
them beacuse of their hatred to each other.



There is they gold: worse poison to men’s souls,                                                                Doing more murder in this loathsome world                                                               Than these poor compounds that thou may’st not sell.

Romeo tells it to the Apothecary Act 5 Scene 1

 Once Balthasar is gone, Romeo says that he will lie with Juliet that night. He goes to find an apothecary, a seller of drugs. After telling the man in the shop that he looks poor, Romeo offers to pay him well for a vial of poison. The Apothecary says that he has just such a thing, but that selling poison in Mantua carries the death sentence. Romeo replies that the Apothecary is too poor to refuse the sale. The Apothecary finally relents and sells Romeo the poison.

Here, money vs. poison because even selling such a poison is forbidden by Mantua’s law and the punishment is execution, the Apothecary sells it to Romeo. Also, Shakespeare provides an example of the paradoxical and pressing social forces in work in the play. Because The Apothecary doesn’t wish to sell the poison because it is illegal, banned by society. But it is the same society that makes him poor, and which insists on validity of the differences between rich and poor. The Apothecary is pushed to sell the poison by external forces that he, like Romeo, feels completely unable to control.

Moreover, it was seen how much Romeo wants to die, because he wants most deadly poison. Also, it was even seen Romeo’s perspective to the life after Juliet’s death (he assumes so), he criticizes the world as loathsome world


 'O, in this love you love your child so ill
That you run mad, seeing that she is well.'
(act 4, scene 5 - p.173, lines 75-76)

These words are said by Friar Lawrance to Lord and Lady Capulet, right
after they found out that Juliet is dead. He is trying to console them
that she is dead but she is in a better place now, that they shouldn't
be in this much grief. This can be a part of the plan that Capulets
should get over this grief and start the preperations for the funeral
and Romeo can find her alone in her coffin when he returns.



"To cross my obsequies and true love's rite?

What, with a torch? Muffle me, night, a while".

Act Five, Scene III, lines 20-22

-obsequies= a funeral or burial rite

-to muffle=   to hide


- Paris says these lines to himself when he is in the Capulet's vault. He comes to the vault with his servant. Paris tells him that when someone is coming, he should warn Paris, thus the servant waits under those yew trees. After that, Paris starts to talk with Juliet's. He looks he wants to declare his love with his words that "full of love". Then suddenly, his servant warns him and he understands that he should hide. He gets angry, because the person who comes to the vault, which he hasn't known yet, disturbs his conversations with Juliet. Generally, in this part we saw Paris has a strong love towards Juliet that we haven't been able to see till Act Five. 


Act:IV Scene:V

O son, the night before thy wedding day
Hath Death lain with thy wife. There she lies,
Flower as she was, deflowered by him.

     Lord Capulet says this to Paris, when the Friar & Paris come to
take Juliet in the morning. They are talking over Juliet's "dead"
body. Capulet is trying to tell Paris that she has died without
hurting him too much unlike his initial reaction. He turns it into
irony by adding that she was a flower but even though death deflowered
her she is still a flower.



 Why lamb ! why lady ! Fie you slug-a-bed!

Act 4 ~scene 5 ~line 3


slug-a-bed: a lazy person who stays late in bed.

fie : an _expression of disgust.


Nurseis in Juliet's room. It is the morning of Juliet's marriage (everyone is in a hurry the wedding preparations are done), but Nurse is  a bit angry because Juliet hasn't woke up yet. She yells at her to wake up says that she is a lazy person but recieves no response.

After that Nurse understands that there is something wrong with her behaviour the touches her , feels her cold skin that realises that SHE's DEAD. But up to my quote, she still thinks that juliet is teasing her and pretending to be asleep.



‘ O give me thy hand,

One writ with me in sour misfortune’s book.’

Act 5, scene 3, P192 , line 81

This quotation was said by Romeo to Paris when they were fighting at Juliet’s tomb. Romeo realized that Paris should have married Juliet; Romeo knew that Juliet was dead, so Paris couldn’t marry Juliet. In this quotation, Romeo emphasized a similarity between Paris and himself. Both of them couldn’t meet Juliet. Therefore, Romeo imagined a misfortune’s book in which the names of those who suffer misfortune were written. Romeo killed Paris and poisoned himself. Both of them had the same end, therefore Romeo called Paris and himself misfortune.



12) Act 4, scene 3, page 164, lines 15-16


"I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins,

That almost freezes up the heat of life."

 This quotation is said by Juliet. It's from Juliet's long soliloquy where she was going to drink the mixture that Friar Lawrence gave her.

 This lines shows that Juliet afraids of that mixture. It reminds the lines that Friar Lawrence told her to abondan womanish fears. She is very anxious and she's afraid that the mixture would not work.

 The mixture is prepeared to make Juliet cold and seem dead but even if she hadn't drunk it, she feels cold because of her fear. She also feels as is she 's going to faint. She is not comfortable and not brave at that point.


13) A greater power than we can contradict

Hath thwarted our intents.


(act 5-scene 30-page 196-lines 152)


-This quotation is one of the first words that Juliet hear after a

forty-two hours sleep.  Friar Lawrence says this to her after he sees

the dead bodies of Romeo and Paris and realises that her plan had


-Here we see the theme of death.  Friar Lawrence mentions it by

saying `A greater power than we`.  Although he had good intentions

about Romeo and Juliet`s marriage everything turned into a disaster

because the fate wanted so.  Also this quotation tells us something

that we knew since the beginning of the story: Their love is death



14) *I am very sorry I couldn`t send my quotation (I hope this was my

quotation) earlier because I wasn`t sure which quotation was mine


act 4, scene 1, p 156, l. 45

"Come weep with me, past hope, past care, past help"

juliet tells it to Friar lawrence.after Juliet learns she'll marry with Paris on thursday, sge goes to Friar Lawrence's cell with a reason of confession even the real reason is to share her feelings and beg for an exit. when she goes there, she sees lawrence knows her wedding from paris who was just before there. he gets grief too. after paris goes, juliet tells this quote to friar. this shows and means juliet has no hope, care, and help, but weeps and she even doesn't want them which she has no but weeps. because she thinks there is no need for hope, care... because there is no of them. it's important because it shows how the situation because of her love but actually their family's enmity falls her such a bad, hopeless, confused situation. she doesn't know what to do but weep. by saying this, juliet tries lawrence to see she's hopeless and confused and needs help even she emphasizes there is no hope for her but weep. maybe she wants him to pity on her and give advice to her. she first doesn't say it openly but we see her help wish from lawrence in the next pages...